Big trouble.
If you have spent the last 30 minutes watching CNN like I have you would imagine this financial crisis that is threatening to cause financial meltdown was just a slight blip - for all the 3 minutes it was given.
Quick switch to the Emmy's as various women parade their diamonds and gowns with a twirl. Quick switch to the OJ Simpson trial - such great entertainment!America, People, you are in TROUBLE!
With the President pushing for an agreement (to use $700 billion of taxpayers money) to be signed without delay, this undue haste should give the thinking person pause for thought. Who will this deal benefit? What stake will the American people have in the companies being bailed out using tax payers money? - I mean 'what's in it for you?'
There are so many other questions to be asked but let me highlight one issue that let's me know that should this agreement be signed on behalf of the people of the USA then the problems will only just be beginnning.
Section 8 of the agreement (as it stands) states that Paulson will be given unfettered ability to do as he pleases without being reviewed or investigated by any court of law or any organization.
Section 8. Review.
Decisions made by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.
Do you know what this means? Do you understand how it gives the criminals and their cronies (yes, that is what they are) the right to steal from you and the mouths of your great-grandchildren, whilst you, the citizens of today raise nary an eyebrow as they chortle all the way to their money mountains, slapping each other on the back.
America is ruled by criminals. From the Federal Reserve (an organization which is illegal according to the American constitution, but who cares?) to the President and work your way downwards. Criminals.
Most of the people of the USA just go along with it, shaking their heads as they struggle to stay in their homes, pay medical bills and find cheaper food. They switch on Dancing with the Stars, CNN, CSI, Fox and Oprah to escape the awfulness of reality.
'America is a great country! Be Proud! Be patriotic! Leaders of the Free World!' as the world looks on with a knowing twinkle. The so called 'Third World' countries who have been assessed by Bear Stearns, S&P scales and slapped about the head with a report drawn up to show just how badly a country was faring against 'high standards' set by Bear Stearns. These reports decided how credit worthy a country was and impacted on how much a country could borrow and the rate of interest that would be set. Powerful reports coming out of a country that was effectively bankrupt. Lula of Brazil couldn't resist a rather slight snigger last week at the irony and preposterousness of it all.
America is in trouble, People.
Here's what needs to happen:
1. The people need to rise up and go out into the streets and let their politicians know that they refuse to allow themselves to be pimped anymore.
2. The Federal Reserve needs to be disbanded. The power should be returned to the people.
3. The people should decide what happens after the system corrects itself.
4. All Acts enacted which was not in the interest of the people should be immediately scratched from the Statute books and new laws introduced which place the future leaders as servants of the people.
5. Membership of a secret societies should be deemed to be against the interest of the people.
[I haven't placed the above points in any order and these are just some of the changes that I believe may enable America to rise from the ashes of a system which was for the benefit of the few. I am an expert in very few areas and I am not promoting myself as such in this discussion.
I do ask that people think about the bigger picture.]
Let me make clear: I am advocating people get off their bottoms/asses/butts, pick up the phone, talk to their elected representatives and make it very clear how this deal is not in the interest of the people. I am advocating people write to the media and ask why they are not producing news items which inform the people rather than entertain. Why they don't ask real questions.
I am advocating people march into Washington and tell those in power that enough is enough. Forget waiting on Obama or McCain - they are agents of the criminals, so implicitly criminals themselves. They are in the positions to become possible Presidents because they have agreed to work to the betterment of the Rockefellers, the global elite, etc. You are a pawn.
But collectively you are pawns with more power than you realize. Of course there will be painful times ahead. Of course there may be global meltdown but it is necessary to rid the system of the infestations which have sucked your blood, given you false hopes, focused the country on trivia whilst siphoning the goodies away from the people, leaving crumbs and laws which infringe your basic human rights whilst encouraging you to not think for yourself.
As you walk down the street past houses with 'Foreclosure' writ large, as you walk past new tent cities, as you walk past schools where the kids can hardly read or write after 2 years of attendance - think about this deal. Think about how much you have been conned in the past and ask yourself if you really believe Bush when he says this has to be signed now as it is in the best interest of the people.
Ask yourself where the real power is. If it is not with you then America
is in big trouble.
Think about it.