Child Abuse Series

16 August 2009

Child Abuse - (3)


  1. I'm surprised no one has left a comment Zee. This photograph, along with the other photographs of "religious child abuse" that you've posted, explains why it will be next to impossible for us to live peaceably. Very subtle and extremely powerful connotations. You are a genius!


  2. Get 'em while they're young. Yeah, I worry about a young relative (toddler) who is already being indoctrinated by church visits. I like your message here!

  3. I don't know what you people find so offending in this pic........Srry but i totally disagree by the above comments......i don't see any kind of child abuse in the pic.

    Every parent want their child to know the almighty.....and that is what shows in the pic......where prob a father taking his son to the Dargah so that he can see and learn how they pray to their god.... i'm sure....i'm looking the pic from a different point of view.....and don't really get what others have seen this pic till now.........

    Also if there would have been some text.....explaining the child abuse....would be helpful.....

    srry if this comment hurts anyone....the comment is only my view you may have yours........

  4. its just a father taking his son along, i dont see any harm in that, i dont see the child is forced to pray as you can see he is looking at the picture and i dont see the father forcing him to look down while praying.

    childeren tend to copy what audlts do and thats cute, people should always keep an open mind about everyone religon i love this pic thaks for posting it


Thank you.