Child Abuse Series

13 August 2009

Letter to My Younger Self

Stephen Fry has written a letter to his younger self which has encouraged a whole host of people to do the same.
If you were writing to yourself aged 18 years old what would you say? What advice would you give yourself?
I find this quite interesting and reading the contributions from and comments by other people made me think about what I would say to my younger self. I'm still (after a lengthy period!) in 'thinking mode'...

What would you write to yourself?


  1. What an interesting idea...I think I may do this myself. If I look back to when I was 18 I was almost a completely different person than I am now. Interesting.

  2. This is a bit timely for me as I just came into possession of my high school and college year books, lost these many years. In high school, friends all signed your year book with things like, "Stay sweet", "don't change", "stay an individual" and other seemingly trite sayings. But reading them now, I love them.

    If I were writing to myself I would say, don't become jaded. Every day I fight that one.

  3. I would write myself and tell me to watch out for that can of pineapples I ate when I was 19. I never got so sick in my life. The upside is it did introduce me to the joys of purging. Unfortunately I binge too much, so the purging doesn't balance out.

  4. I think I would have said: 'Don't rely on men to help you reach your goals, don't wait for them to catch up with you and don't apologise for who you are!' I'm only getting that message now, in my ahem! fifties!!!!!


Thank you.