Child Abuse Series

31 August 2010

I'm Starting a Business...

...and it is making me lose sleep. It's like an obsession. Each moment I spend doing something else seems like a complete waste of time.
I'll wash up and think, have a bath and think - I'm writing this now at after midnight in the UK and I really need to go to bed, having woken up at 6am I need my sleep.
The last few weeks have been great though. My procrastinating ways have been placed firmly in the past. I have a passion and it is to make this seed of an idea grow into something worthwhile.

I did take time out over the weekend to attend a wedding in the country - a lovely wedding, the groom is one of the nicest people I know and his new wife seems equally lovely. The celebration was marred a little by the sexual innuendos and unwelcome hands on my body (read: molestation) by 2 very sad brothers. You know the type: still live at home with elderly parents, no discernible means of income and completely distraught that they have done so little with their lives. Unwashed (reeked) and orange-brown teeth. And because no money, hung around people poncing the next glass of their favourite tipple.
 I'm not a violent person but it did cross my mind to give each of these morons a sharp left hook but then I had images of the wedding being spoiled, the police officers (who had seen maybe 4 'people of colour' in their whole lives) dragging this black woman in handcuffs and me locked up thinking how to explain it to the white judge in the morning - with the moron brothers in intensive care on drips.
No, not a good idea.

Yet I felt violated and weak. I failed to deal with the situation. I spent over 5 hours in their company and it was a nightmare. They used their drunkenness as a mask for their inadequacies and I didn't deal with it well. I left the wedding early saying I would be back and retreated to a safe haven.

I raced back to London away from the stale beer, 'eejats' and sheep and threw myself onto my nice clean comfortable bed, ecstatic to be home and then I had a long hot bubble bath and got back to business.

Wow, I never intended to share all that with you! Just to tell you that I'm recovering and focusing on my business.
It is exciting and challenging and I feel great having to wrack my brains again. More people should try it...


  1. Best of luck in your new project. It sounds exiting!!

  2. wow they sound like complete waste of time type guys. glad you are focusing on your business. I wrote about it this week. Women and Business. How to Do It.

    I'm in the start up phases myself and believe me I spend every moment thinking about it and how and where it may take me. however small, it is my dream and I want to see it become a reality. You Need to Make It HAPPEN My Girl. Just Do IT !

  3. I'm putting together a business idea too, I've found myself thinking about it 24/7, and waking early even on weekends, despite usually being an expert in procrastination. Good luck with yours!

  4. I'm in the beginning stages of starting up a business too, I find myself thinking about it 24/7 despite usually being an expert in procrastination. Good luck with yours!

  5. Although the nature of this post was not funny, i couldn't help but laugh at your description of those two as you puy it "eejats".
    You certainly made the best decision in not choosing to react.

    Good luck with your new business.

  6. Hello ALL,
    Thanks so much for your comments and kind words.
    I know there are other crazy people out there who want to make their ideas bear fruit.
    I believe I struggle in employment, especially being surrounded by people who are just complete and utter (wait for it, Leonie!) EEJATS!!
    I know the road ahead will get rocky but it's my road!

    Hope everything works out for you all esp Mama and Emilia as I feel we are treading the board together.

    My future posts will be erratic but you might just forgive, yes?!!
    Thanks again and much love to all who pass by this place.

  7. Did I miss it, what business? Is this still a mystery for the readers? Hope you keep faith and keep going, and be very successful.


Thank you.