Child Abuse Series

05 June 2010

Hello, I'm Back!

Life has moved on in a whirl in a very positive way and I have moved into a beautiful apartment in a lovely area where the shopkeepers smile and say hello and have time to have a good old natter (chat/conversation).
I have loved ones close by and all is very good.

Why am I telling you this? Well, with all the packing and moving and all that entails I wondered if I had anything else to say on this blog. Time did not permit me to give any attention to it and so I chose to concentrate on making my new home as comfortable as possible. I have kept up to date with news and current affairs but mainly via the radio - the radio enables you to multi-task!

So much has happened: UK elections, oil disasters, Israel storming and killing personnel on aid vessel, Pope visit to the UK in financial difficulties and so much more. I will try to write about them when I am able to. What's been happening with you?


  1. Great to have you back Zee! It's a perfect birthday gift for me!!!


  2. Happy Birthday, Rob!! Thank you so much for your comments and support.
    I would love to link your blog/articles/posts to this blog - could you send me a workable link that directs straight to your site?

    Thanks again,

  3. Awww...
    What's up with this tease?
    I've been waiting for a new perspective from you for a while now.
    Good to read that things are going well.

  4. Hello Zee. My name is Robert, I live in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S. and just wanted to say I'm delighted to have found your blog. I was linked here from GodlessandBlack, another recent find in my continuing search for islands of reason in a world filed with irrationality and superstition. You're now on my favorites list. Thank you for being here.

  5. Hi UBJ,
    Good to be back and to connect with everyone again.

    No tease intended, UBJ! Thanks again.

  6. Zee,

    Thank you very much for the offer but being computer illiterate (not completely) I'm not sure what a workable link is. As you know my blog is, The African American Agnostic on the community page. Is this site linkable? If it isn't, that gives me all the more motivation and reason to set up my own blog page. Your assistance and guidance, when and if you have the time, would be greatly appreciated.

    Warmest regards,

  7. Hello Zee,

    Life has been a whirlwind but I'm keeping my feet on the ground. Congrats on your new digs. Glad to hear you're doing well. :-)


Thank you.