Child Abuse Series

01 September 2009

The Incomparable Nina Simone

If you ever need cheering up then this song cannot help but enable you to appreciate the 'small' things that we can take for granted.



  1. Thank you for this post Zee. It prompted me to do a little Nina Simone retrospective. Do you know if Nina subscribed to any particular religious beliefs? Her daughter, Simone, is very talented too and is making her own mark.

  2. That is super. I love her version of Forbidden fruit. She takes "Feelings" for quite a trip too!

  3. I love Nina Simone she has some songs that really can move you no mater what mood you're in I have. I hadn't heard this one before I need to download it to add to my collection

  4. I spent a tiny bit of time in the company of Nina Simone. You can now find some old performances on DVDs.


Thank you.