Child Abuse Series

23 July 2009

'Let's Stay Together' - Al Green

Okay, okay! I agree I must be in a soppy mood. Al Green doesn't sing this version as vocally brilliantly as some of his others I have heard but he whipped the crowd, played with the tune and sat down exhausted and was so on a high that he had to do a little jig at the end. Wonderful.
Do let me know what you think.

I dedicate this to the General. Thank you for being such a wonderful person!

P.S. Lorraine and Jonathan have commented on a previous post - Are Black People Allowed to Critically Analyse Other Black People? - and I have some further thoughts to contribute on this topic - so over the coming days you should see something posted here. I love it when people comment. Thank you all!


  1. Brother Al was a little flat...but he's our Al Green and gave many of us alot of memories. I'm sure you've heard of Johnny Hartman, the jazz singer. A different genre but for me one of the greatest male vocalist that ever lived. His album with Coltrane is a masterpiece! Might be a nice gift for the "General" if he/she doesn't already have it.

  2. Of course, you DO realize that THIS was Al Green's song, including his three white back-up singers, two sisters and the husband of one of them. The husband was a producer at STAX and his wife (one of the singers) was also a top studio guitarist. This song was probably Al's bigest hit record...back in the day when they really were records!

    Thanks for the video.

  3. if you like Al Green listen to a whole 5 Al Top Hits in a row, on BadGalsRadio everyday.

    we rotate our catalog to keep you fresh. stop by soon Ms.Z.

  4. Who doesn't like a little old school Al Green now and then :)

  5. It just reminded me of all the different nights we were all going to yet somehow his music was everyone's theme...

  6. I'm a huge Al Green fan have all the albums and i've seen him several times this decade in concert. Thanks for posting


Thank you.