Child Abuse Series

04 June 2009

Showing Off Their Underwear

Is it me? Am I showing my age? Or maybe there is something that I don't understand: the fashion for young men showing off their underwear, usually boxer shorts, at every opportunity.
Now perish the thought that I am one of those types who constantly frowns and tut-tuts at the things young people do. It wasn't so long ago that I was doing crazy things that I don't understand now and didn't then but they were part of my growing up. All of it. The truth is I'm still 'growing up' and learning about life and doing crazy things!

But this need to wear trousers underneath your arse/bum/ass seems very strange. How do they stay up? Who started this trend?
I travel throughout England and see a certain type of young man modelling this trend and I just ponder. It cuts across races and seems to have a hip-hop vibe to it all.
I have to admit, I don't understand it. Maybe I'm not meant to.


  1. The sad thing is the underwear looks a lot better than the pathetic trousers do. Hopefully in 10 years time they will view old photos of themselves and cringe.

  2. Yeah, I don't get it either. And this "trend" has overstayed its welcome.

  3. I'm with you, it makes no sense whatsoever. I just don't get it.

  4. It's just a big "eff you" to the earlier generation - Like mohawks, leather jackets or Zoot-Suits in past times.

  5. Unfortunately, this style of dress emanated from life in the penal system. While incarcerated, many men 'lease' themselves for favors and such sundry. Generally, it is reported, the young men would wear their pants lowered to give of their undergarments. This would indicate, allegedly, that their services were available for hire.

    I have never been incarcerated, but this is what I was told. If this is incorrect, please accept my apologies.

  6. I love the way this blog goes from religious fraud and supernaturalism as a harmful phenomena, to the 'wtf' at young people's fashions.

    As a young person, I think I can say that we do know it's stupid, but this about the only time we can get way with it, so why not wear trousers coming down to our ankles (not that I would - I'm more into vintage fashion myself)?

  7. I agree with you uglyblackjohn. I remember a baby-boomer colleague's comment after looking at a girl wearing a mini-skirt "humph. we wore them shorter in the 70's". Every generation has their way to flip the bird at their elders :D

  8. Re: UglyBlackJohn:

    This an interesting explanation. The one explanation I've heard is that imprisoned men wear their pants that low because they don't have belts.

  9. Belive it or not? This 'trend' became one of the global features in many places as I see it from time to time arround me.

    I wonder what's the idea behind? to show us the 'brand' of what they wear, either men or women? or maybe even worse :P

    Anyway it's indeed disgusting!

  10. When I taught in juvenile detention, I learned that the style originated in jails. I don't know why exactly. I often had a 'better off not knowing policy' when I worked there. The sad thing is I would guess most of the kids dressing this way don't know the original significance - whatever it was. Just following along.

  11. They say, on the Texas roadways, you can do one of three things...



    Or get out of the way...

    It is unfortunate that too many parents raise their kids to be followers...

  12. I somehow get this idea that some poor kid couldn't afford a belt, and the only pants he had were just a bit too big for him, but he was cool, so all the other guys thought, "Well, if he does it..."

  13. I also heard these drooping pants started in prison, a part of the prison culture. Essentially it meant to the other inmates, “I’m available”. Do these kids understand it symbolizes this aspect of prison culture? I think they do, and turned in to a statement against mainstream society.

  14. This indeed came from prison, but for a simple reason. The clothing handed out often didn't fit right and belts are not allowed so you basically have a lot inmates with sagging pants. That's really all there is too it and these ignorant, moron teens today have no idea what they are representing.

  15. I'd heard it comes from Prison 'fashion' as well.


Thank you.