Child Abuse Series

02 November 2008

Visitors and Comments

I would like to say sincere 'thank you' to those people who have visited this site and especially those who have left comments - sharing your views with me. Your comments enable me to be a better blogger, to understand and clarify issues and also pull me up when you feel I am mistaken in my views - all good!

I also want to highlight members of the Entrecard system who have visited my site the most over the last month. I have noted the top 10 sites who have visited me (in order of highest number of visits):

People You Need To Know

WTF Do You Blog About!?


WindMill on the Hill

Lofty Matters

My Autism Insights

Meltwater. Torrents. Meanderings.


Athletic Alley

Knoxville Tennessee Area Local Expert

These sites are diverse and highlight interests, ideas and activities such as: whitewater rafting, autism, professional people in Atlanta, atheism and politics - amongst many others.

Please pay them a visit.

Thank you all so much.


  1. Thanks for the shout out and link love, Z...

    Have you been to Inside Government yet?


  2. You are quite welcome, Zee! I love your blog and I always look forward to new posts that give me something to think about. Keep up the great job!!

  3. I think one of the things that I like most about blogging is comments.Its good to know how others feel about what you write...Anywho, keep up the good work!

  4. Well, hello Zee!
    Thank you for the publicity. :-) I enjoy visiting your site because it reminds me that the world is so much bigger than my own backyard. The more I visit your site, the more I realize how little I know. Thanks for the insight. More visits to come.

  5. thanks for the link--very much, and i do enjoy your blog quite alot.


Thank you.