Child Abuse Series

05 October 2008

Cartoon Banned by the Mormon Church

This is an interesting cartoon which highlights the purported beliefs of one type of supernaturalism.
The latter part of this video shows a group of people having a discussion about mormonism. I would prefer to have more information about these people as they may have an agenda which is not apparent to the viewers, i.e. are they believers in another form of Christianity and have a need to discredit anything other than their own views? Just questions to ask.
Still a thought provoking cartoon. People believe some weird things, wouldn't you agree? Let me know what you think.


  1. That's an amusing look at Mormon doctrine, and IMHO pretty accurate. But the thing to keep in mind is that most religions preach some pretty crazy stories that would look just as insane if presented in this way.

    The reason the stories of the Bible and the Christian God seem reasonable is just that we've already heard them so many times and know so many people who take it seriously...

  2. Mormonisn, in my opinion, is one of the most despicable sects of any religion
    Theres one too many M's in the word mormon

  3. I was raised in the Mormon faith (though I am no longer a member) and there is a lot in that video of which I was not aware. I thought I knew pretty much all there was to know, but apparently not.

  4. I've heard that Bill Mahr is releasing a movie called Religulous that you might find interesting.

  5. I think it is an interesting video and like c.L. said many faiths have things that would seem equally absurd if presented in this manner.

  6. How could Gladys Knight have joined such a church?

  7. They forgot about the kinky underwear Mormons wear.

    It turns out that much of Mormonism is plagiarized Science Fiction.

  8. How could Gladys Knight have joined such a church?

    Eldridge Cleaver joined it too. I saw him speak at a church fireside when I was about 12 years old.

    When I grew up I bought Soul on Ice, and realized that I liked him much better when he was feeding poor kids breakfast in Oakland.


Thank you.