Child Abuse Series

10 September 2008

Facebook Exposed?

It is easy to be part of one group who closes their ears and eyes to infringements of personal liberties or to be someone who sees 'conspiracy' around every corner.
I post this video more to stimulate a debate, to encourage people to think about how the information we post about ourselves on the internet may be used by others.

I encourage you to spare the time to watch this short video. Let me know what you think.

Facebook Exposed...


  1. woooooow that's heavy. i think tho at the end of the day, there's only so much the people will take before we all push back. i welcome this level of fascism. a major civil war may be what's necessary.

    but i believe this is all cyclical - history repeating itself. people not only forget history but we diminish the possibility these kinds of things will happen. someone will always rise to the top. eventually, that someone will go too far. i think we're finding ourselves coming to a point where subsequent individuals, our leaders, take things too far.

  2. Online privacy is a thorny issue. There is much to be explored. Ultimately though, it comes down to being comfortable with yourself. If you don't have anything to hide, it probably doesn't matter that the government and corporations are gathering info. about you. They've being doing this for a long, long time, especially if you are involved in anything illegal.

  3. Wow... I am blown away! I have always known that the government is collecting information but it never dawn on me to what depth! It makes a lot a sense to use Facebook, MySpace or any internet vehicle to gather information. The question is how do you push back and protect yourself from those who do not mean you any good!

  4. That is why I am so cautious in putting information on social networks I joined in the internet.

  5. I knew Facebook was gathering information, but had no idea that the info was going to government agencies too.

  6. I watched a video similar to this one, and had been aware for a while that Facebook was started/funded by Neocons. So, I went and read the terms of service and finally axed my account. I also told them why. Several times since then, I have regretted axing my account, because there are some friends I had there that only communicate through Facebook. Recently I thought about creating a new account. But I doubt I will, after re-watching this. :-(

  7. Two words.

    George Orwell.

    Nuff said.

  8. FaceBook ? In France we call it FesseBook > Fesse means Buttock, the most stupid social media on the web ! Nevertheless, many (young) people I know use it every day. I have an account & profile & pics & "friends"... but I don't share anything personal so no Big Brother for me.

  9. I made the mistake of signing up for a Myspace, but I never posted anything on it. I've avoided Facebook. Even the bit of networking I do to promote my blog makes me nervous. I generally put next to nothing in profiles. This is very disturbing stuff going on these days.

  10. Typically in the internet world we are used to everything coming free. We browse for free, we download a lot of free content, we socialize for free. Why do we grudge so much when the guys who run these apps start making some money?

    Would we even go to a restaurant and ask for free food. That is called begging.

  11. simple solution - don't join facebook or any other similar social sites. If you do then you are subject and open to having all of your information made public. There is no illusion about this stuff when you join facebook or other similar sites. You can drop off the grid if you want, but what fun would that be?

  12. I never really looked at facebook in this way. But my information is out there.


Thank you.