Child Abuse Series

18 July 2008

The American Way Photograph

I saw this image and suddenly ceased being distracted by the multiple windows I tend to have open on my computer, darting from one interest to another - emails, blog, entrecard, word, etc.

This caught my eye.

So many questions ran through my mind. Who were these people? What were they queueing for? What year was it? I could hazard a guess at the decade, probably. It seems post-war. If you click on the image, really look at each and every person, their expressions. The woman with the basket held my attention. The bitter irony of their experiences and hopes contrasting with the happy-jolly billboard. 

Do you know who took this photograph, why and when? What are these people waiting for?


  1. From what I could find, this image was taken in 1937 after the Louisville, KY flood. It's a breadline. Here's one of the sources:

  2. Zee & Andrea I found the same so it's now almost triangulated evidence:

    This was a bread line in Kentucky in 1937 and the photo was taken by Margaret Bourke-White during the Louisville Flood.

  3. Very interesting photo. Although I didn't do any research I figured it was a food line of some sort. I love how the photographer saw that... the billboard-the people-the contrast.

    BTW: Thanks for dropping by.

  4. yay! i can comment on your blog again! (there was something wrong with my browser and i couldn't comment on some blogspot blogs)

    again, this is a fabulous image. the contrast is amazing, and still true today. actually, it would be interesting to see one redone for 2008 ...

  5. WOW. It does make you think. You can get lost in this. Female, male, boys and girls. Lost in so many ways. Thanks for posting this.


Thank you.