Child Abuse Series

17 June 2008

The Re-Union

Doesn't this picture make you think of all the LGBT people who died without their loved ones being legally and formally recognised? All those people who died and their loved ones were turfed out of homes because of no legal recognition in the eyes of the law.

This couple nearly didn't make it after being together over 50 years, Phyllis Lyon ,83 and Del Martin, 87, who live in California. They 'tied the knot' 4 years ago but (mostly) supernaturalist bigots opposed all those unions, which were then nullified. These two activists fought with a host of other people and were able to make their union legal at last. reviews a documentary about these two women who have battled hard over the years for true equality, entitled: "No Secret Anymore:The Times of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon"

"Phyllis and Del's story is a testament to how individuals can influence the course of history. In 1955, against the backdrop of terror created by Senator Joseph McCarthy's hunt for homosexuals and Communists, Del and Phyllis joined with six other women in San Francisco to found the Daughters of Bilitis (DOB), America's first lesbian rights organization (named after The Songs of Bilitis, an obscure book of lesbian love poems.) At the time, social taboos against homo-sexuality were so strong that gay people were in constant danger of harassment, physical violence, and losing their homes, jobs and families. When their sexuality was discovered, lesbians were declared unfit mothers by the courts and denied custody of their children.

Homosexuality was viewed as a psychiatric disorder and lesbians were often incarcerated in prisons and mental institutions, where they were subjected to electro-shock therapy and, in extreme cases, lobotomies."


  1. Simply marvelous with beauty!
    What a love....

  2. Hi - this is an excellent blog site. We've made a link to it from our own Bent Society blog, where we have several recent posts on racism in the UK. Today, for example, we are opening upo that can of worms of intimate interacial relationships and the diferences between multiculturalism and social cohesion.

    I'm going to spend a little time over the next few weeks perusing your informative posts.

    Very kind regards


  3. Hey Zee,

    Thank you for sharing this!


  4. miss vicki, robin and lisa,

    Thank you all for stopping by.

    This picture brings me joy and sadness all rolled into one. If you look at the expressions on the people watching you can tell the moment was a long time coming.
    This image has to be amongst the top 100 illustrations of the effects of human stupidity.

    Robin, thank you for your compliments and link to this blog.
    I had a look around your site and ---wow!---so informative and detailed. A hell of a lot of work has gone into your site. Good job!!
    Will see if I have anything to contribute to the new topics.

    Lisa, thanks for coming onboard, again!! Isn't the image something else?

    Thank you again and have a great time doing whatever you do.


Thank you.